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Actuality Magazine
The magazine was published annually at the time of the Charles Parker Day, although there haven’t been any new issues since 2019 due to lockdown.
Winners of the 2020 Charles Parker Prize announced
We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2020 Charles Parker Prize. The Gold Award, as announced on 3 April, goes to Alexandra Morgan. The other four prizewinners are Gabriel Green, Lewis Harrower, Charlotte Hurrell and Richard Queree.
Gold Award documentary from 2019 repeated on Radio 4 this week
The programme is still available on the BBC as are all the other winning entries for the 2019 Charles Parker Prize.
Nominees for the 2020 Charles Parker Prize announced
The Charles Parker jury have selected our nominees and Gold Award Winner for 2020.
Prizewinning documentary repeated on Radio 4 this week
On Tuesday 31 March, the 2019 Charles Parker Prizewinner Rhys Gunter tweeted: “Right now on BBC Radio 4 you can hear a replay of my documentary, ‘My Life After Grenfell’.
Charles Parker Day 2020 to be postponed
It is with regret that we have made the difficult decision to postpone Charles Parker Day, due to take place on Friday 3rd April, based on government advice with regards to the COVID-19
Oral History and the Media Conference proposals
Call for Proposals – Oral History and the Media Conference July 2020. Here’s a conference for people interested in oral history in relation to media. We’re posting it now because the deadline for proposals is 20 December.